We understand that our customers have differing needs which affect how they use our website and we're working hard to increase accessibility and usability for all of our customers based on priorities one and two of the W3C (World-wide Web Consoritum) best practice accessibility guidelines.
This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3+ or Google Chrome 10+, but will function in other browsers. The site is optimised to run with images and JavaScript enabled. Operational functionality might be reduced if you choose to disable these features. If you use a screen reader with JavaScript capabilities, we recommend that you enable them.
If you find a part of our website that is difficult to use, please email us on customer.services@pcl.co.uk.
Some users may need to change the size and type of font or the colour scheme in order to view them. If you have trouble reading the text, the text can be resized using your browser options or, in most browsers, by holding the ctrl key down while using your mouse's scroll wheel or via the keyboard by holding the ctrl key down while pressing + or -.
We also provide the following services:
For visually impaired customers.
We can provide your documents in differing formats including
Braille, large print and audio transcripts. To use this service please call our contact centre on 0330 123 9720 or
email us on customer.services@pcl.co.uk.
For customers with speech impediment.
We will accept a letter of authority to enable us to speak
with someone on your behalf. Please contact us for details of how to do this on 0330 123 9720 or email customer.services@pcl.co.uk.